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Keller Williams Legacy


Mr Bob Baker
Broker/Office Manager

General Residential SalesEnglish
Sarah Abdullah

Denton C Aguam

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr Jimmy K Ahn

Ajay Alaparthy

Hina Ali

General Residential SalesSindhiPunjabiHindiUrdu
Ms. Abie Alinas

Bobby Alipour

General Residential Sales
Ms Bonnie Allen

Avril Anderson

General Residential SalesEnglish
Deborah Anderson

Jacob Anderson

Ms Juliann Anderson

Beth F Applegate

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms. Somieh Asl

General Residential SalesFarsiEnglish
Gene Baker

Mr. Brent Bakewell

Ms Leigh Banner

General Residential Sales
Russ Barbour

Jim Bartz

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Sally Bartz

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Mike Bayrami

General Residential Sales
Thomas Bennet

Jean Bergstrasser

Ms Gabby Biard

General Residential Sales
Jay Biedermann

General Residential Sales
Mr Nick Biggs

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr James Bivins

General Residential Sales
Mr Ryan Bland

Mr Chandramouli Bodavula

General Residential Sales
Ms Renee Bradford

General Residential Sales
Chrissy Brecheen

General Residential Sales
Mandy Brint

General Residential Sales
Mike Brodie

Mr. Tony A Brodie

Mr. Jacques M Bronkhorst

General Residential SalesAfrikaansEnglish
Ms. Sara Brooking

Ms LaGina S Brown

Ms Toni Brown

Ms Joanna Brunet

General Residential SalesEnglishSpanish
Dylan Bryant

Yolanda Bryson-Durant

Jeanine Bunzigiye

Ms Teresa Burt

General Residential Sales
Paul V Bush

General Residential SalesEnglish
Marshae Caldwell

Mr Kip M Callaghan

General Residential Sales
Ms Grace Camacho

General Residential Sales
Mr Charlie Camp

Aaron Caragay

Ms Tara Carter

Mr. Eriberto C Castillo

Crawford Catron

General Residential Sales
Jonathan M Chacon

Angela Chacon

Tom Chapman

Mr Clint Chasteen

General Residential Sales
Janice Chema

Mr. Cheng Chi

Mr James B Cho

General Residential SalesEnglish
Naveen Chopra

General Residential SalesEnglishFarsi
Steven Chung

Charly Clark

Ms Tiffany L Cole

General Residential Sales
Judy Cooley

General Residential SalesEnglish
Rachel Corage

Linda Eve Corgiat

General Residential Sales
Debi K Crowe

Ms. Jennifer A Daniel

General Residential SalesEnglish
Kim Davis

General Residential SalesEnglish
Tiffany Davis

Robert Davison

Brack Day

Ms Tarsis D Day

General Residential Sales
Ms Teresa De Guzman

Mrs Laurie Dean

General Residential Sales
Roxanne DeBerry

Yolanda DeLay

Amarylis Delgado
Amarylis Delagado Rosado

Ms. Rosalind Lynnette Dennis-Wise

Mr Kendall DeYoung

William Dillard

Ms Vanessa Dixon

James E Donovan

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Brendan Duffey

General Residential SalesAppraisal-ResidentialEnglish
Krystal Dumas

Cynthia Dunn

General Residential SalesEnglish
D'Aviaunce Edwards

Whitney Edwards

Ms Joan Enriquez

Mr. Mike Esfandi

General Residential SalesEnglishFarsi
Lani Faughn

Alicia Fehr

Stephanie Feltus

Ms Julia Ferron

Ms. Kristi Flaningan

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Joe Flores

General Residential SalesEnglishSpanish
Mr. Bradley Furlong

General Residential Sales
Trupti Gandhi

General Residential SalesEnglishHindi
Ms Jie Gao

Ms Irma Garcia

General Residential SalesSpanish
Mr. Jack Gary

General Residential Sales
Jeanne Gary

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mrs. Donna B Gill

General Residential SalesEnglish
Oriana Godoy

Mr John A Gomez

General Residential Sales
Dawn Gonzales

Mr. Bobby Ray Goodwin

Ms Christine Goodwin

General Residential Sales
Jennifer Gorman

Ms. Christina M Gourley

General Residential SalesAmerican Sign LanguageSpanish
Mr Deshon Grant

Mr Earl Graves

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mrs. Courtney Gregory

General Residential Sales
Spencer Gurnee

Maria Gutierrez

SpanishHome StagingEnglish
Tiffany Haddock

Lincoln Haig

General Residential SalesEnglish
Trina Hale

William B Hall

James Hamilton

Ms Melinda Hamm

Ibraheem M Hamza

Jlyne Hanback

General Residential SalesEnglish
Alexa Hancock

Mr. Paul Hanti

Mr Arsalan Haq

Angie Hardwick

Mr. Harry G Harrier

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Cherrise Harris

Ms Elizabeth Harris

General Residential Sales
Gail Hart

Mr. James C Hauglid

Joshuah Haynes

Ms Kashena Headley

General Residential Sales
SuAnne Hedgepeth, Realtor
SuAnne Hedgepeth

Jerrel Henderson

Ms Mary Hernandez

Ms Diana Hickson

Jessica Hidrogo

Peggy B Hill

General Residential SalesEnglish
Altaf Hirji

Ms Shevonda D Hobbs

JoElyn Hodnicki

Personal Assistant/Unlicensed
Jeannie Holehan Holm

General Residential Sales
Sarah Howard

Pailing Hsu

Ms. Cynthia Huckaba

Isaac Huerta Ramirez

Mrs Jessica E Hutson

General Residential Sales
Ms Ashleigh Hynes

Georgiana A Indrea

General Residential Sales
Luis Issa

Mr. Chris Jackson

General Residential SalesEnglish
Desiree Jacob

Marylee Jeske

Mr Paul Jeske

General Residential Sales
Lianfeng Jia

Aaron Johnson

Ms Ashley Johnson

General Residential Sales
Ms. Letitia W Johnson

General Residential Sales
Noah Johnson

Tawana Johnson

Ms Maryanne Jolley

Ms Elizabeth Jolly

Ms Jamee Jolly

Ms Amber J Jones

General Residential Sales
Ms Angela Jones

General Residential Sales
Ms Crystal Jones

Ms. Kimberly Ann Jones

Ms. Natalie Jones

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms. Tracie Webb Jones

Ms. Jenny Jordan

General Residential Sales
Jenny Jun

Janise Kapita

Cynthia Karst

Ms. Dianne Kay

General Residential Sales
Ellana Kearns

Shawn M Keefe

General Residential Sales
CCO Keller Williams Realty Plano

Ms Lauralynne Kellogg

General Residential SalesEnglish
Pete J Kerrigan

General Residential SalesEnglish
Emma Killingsworth

Jeong Kim

Mrs Elizabeth Kimotho

General Residential Sales
Lindsey Knight

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms. Olga Kozlovskaia

Ms Jackelyn Page Kramer

Jackelyn Kramer

Ms Ashly Kuma

Ted D Lair

Van Lam

General Residential Sales
Ms. Pamala Lambert

General Residential Sales
Ms Jean Lamendola-Goss

General Residential Sales
Tara Landon

Mr Tommy Lankri

EnglishHebrewSpanishBrokerage Mgmt - ResidentialBuyer BrokerageExisting Homes (Resales)New HomesProp Mgmt Multi-FamilyProp Mgmt Single FamilyRelocationResidential LotsActive in a religious org.Leadership in non-profit groupMovingPhotographyProperty ManagerRemodel/Repair
Ms Tessa Larson

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Renee Lawhorne

General Residential Sales
Steve D Lay

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr Anh Le

Ms. Adrienne Leonard

General Residential Sales
Mr Terry Leonard

General Residential Sales
Larry Levine

General Residential SalesEnglish
Marcia P Levine

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ashley E Lewis

General Residential Sales
Ms Debra Lewis

Taylor Lewis

Ms Alexandra E Littles

General Residential Sales
Ms. Valarie D Littles

Ms Francis Lloren

Andrew Logan

Erika M Loker

Ms Shirley G Long

General Residential SalesEnglish
Marilyn Loughray

General Residential SalesEnglish
Lin Lu

General Residential Sales
Mr Gregory Tarryl Lyles

Mr Sean Lynch

General Residential Sales
Ms Susan Lynch

Ms Shondeka R Mack

Mr Brad Maddern

General Residential Sales
Ms. Jessica Maddern

General Residential Sales
Saima Mahmood

Mr. David R Manning

General Residential Sales
Kristina Marshell

Maria Martinez

Tamar Martinez

Mr Joe Martins

General Residential SalesEnglish
April Mattison

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Maram Maty

Mr Doug Matzke

General Residential Sales
Mrs. Amy Maynard

General Residential SalesEnglish
Samantha McCallister

Ms. Cheryl S McCarter

General Residential Sales
Tevin T McCleary

Mr Craig McCoy

General Residential Sales
Mr Jack McCoy

General Residential Sales
Linsey McCoy

Nick W McCoy

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ronald G McCoy

General Residential SalesEnglish
Terri C McCoy

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Kelsey McLaren

Kieran P McMahon

Ms Patricia Mihanda

General Residential Sales
Ms. Kathy B Miller

General Residential Sales
Ms Pam Miller

General Residential Sales
Mr. Don Misner

General Residential Sales
Sally T Misner

General Residential SalesEnglish
Matthew Mitchell

Mr Mike Mitchell

General Residential Sales
Suzanne Mitchell

General Residential SalesEnglish
Paula A Mizar

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms. Danika Molina

Ms San Juanita Molina

Mr Scott Molina

General Residential Sales
Sulay Moncada

Ms. Bonnie R Monroe

Ms Morgan Montgomery

General Residential Sales
Ms Eileen Moore

General Residential Sales
Ms Nicole Moreno

General Residential Sales
Ms. Juanita Morris

Richard Moushel

Julia Muard

Judy Mun

Ms Samantha Myers

General Residential Sales
Ms Kelly Naderi

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Yogesh Nanji

General Residential Sales
Afaf Nelson

Lisa M Nelson

General Residential SalesEnglish
Louis Nelson

Ana Nogueira

Michael Noppinger

Ms Holly Osborne

General Residential Sales
Marc Padilla

Paige Palmer

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Scott Palmer

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr RJ J Patel

Ms Teressa Pavich

Ms Teressa M Pavich

Henri Peacock

Jennifer Peltz

Ms Taelor Pickett

Ms. Erin Porter

Ms Sara Posey

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Gigi G Pottinger

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. John E Powell

Lynn Powell

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr Norris Pratt

General Residential Sales
Ms. Travann L Price

Larry W Prichard

Sarah Proctor

Devin Quinn

Mr Blake Ramo

Yenifer Ravanales

Sarah Reed

General Residential SalesAccount or Sales RepEnglish
Lewis A Reich

General Residential SalesEnglish
Darlene Reid

Jan Richey

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Kayla M Roberts

Mr Rebekah Roberts

Nicki Robinson

Ms Kate Rogers

General Residential Sales
Ms Leah M. Rolen

General Residential Sales
Roeuny Ros

Mr Paul Rosenberg

Jack Rosenthal

Mr Aurelio Ruelas

General Residential Sales
Jeff Sadri

Ms Andrea L Sallis

Mr. Robert E Salyers

Mr. Daniel Schlinke

Daniel Schmidt

Jennifer Schmidt

Barbara A Scribner

General Residential SalesEnglish
Scott Scribner

General Residential SalesEnglish
Karen Secor

Hallie Selgert

Brandie Sellers

Ms. Connie Seymour

General Residential Sales
Mr Scott A Seymour

General Residential Sales
Vanessa Seymour

Ms Lisa Shaw

General Residential Sales
Ms. Kathy Finley Sheats

Mr. Patrick Shin

General Residential Sales
Anna Shinkaruk

Mr. Jacob A Shuler

Efrem S Silerio

General Residential SalesEnglish
Tabitha Silerio

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Dylisia Sims

General Residential Sales
Tara Smith

Ms Tiffani N Smith

Ms Chantell Smithey

Xiaoou Song

Heather Stanton

Ms Cheryl G Stasny

Mr Dave Stephens

General Residential Sales
William Stephens

Tommy Stewart

Ms Cydnee Jane Stinson

Mr Christopher Stochl

General Residential Sales
Donald Stopfel

General Residential SalesEnglish
Stephen Stovall

Mr. Scott G Strickland

General Residential SalesEnglish
Zeyu Sun

Mrs. Kim Sunlin

General Residential Sales
Ms Angela Taylor

General Residential SalesEnglish
Lance Taylor

General Residential SalesEnglish
Mr. Timothy Taylor

General Residential Sales
Ms Rechel Terbio

Natalie Theisen

Ms Carol Thompson

General Residential Sales
Debra Thompson

Thomas J Thompson

General Residential SalesEnglish
Trish Tiemeyer

General Residential SalesEnglish
Josefina Tineo

Leighton Torres

Tracy L Townes

Mr. Jeromy Trask

Ms Jacque A Trulock

General Residential SalesEnglish
Stephanie Twyman

Lysa D Tynes

Ms. Cheryl P Urban

Kelli Valle

Suz Vandever

Ms Kanchan Vij

Alberto Villafana

Janet Vincze

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Shelley Wainer

General Residential Sales
Ms. Jeanie Walbridge

Ms Kristi Walker

General Residential Sales
Mr. Dan Wall

General Residential Sales
Ms Yiming Wang

Jana Ward

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Kimberly Waters

Brandon S Watkins

General Residential SalesEnglish
LaToyia Watkins Pierce

General Residential Sales
Rickishia Watson

Ms Shanen Weaver

Mr. Jaharri J. Webb

Mr Damon Wehr

General Residential Sales
Andy Wei

Mr Hunter Weishuhn

Ms Candi White

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Jaelyn M Whorton

General Residential SalesEnglish
Doug Wieser

General Residential SalesEnglish
Jeanne Wieser

General Residential SalesEnglish
Ms Kimberly Wiley

Ms. Jasmine Williams

General Residential Sales
Judy Williams

Mr. Max L Williams

General Residential SalesEnglish
Debbie J Wimpee

General Residential SalesEnglish
Victoria Yang

Elissa Yarrow

Ms Rebecca Yim

General Residential Sales
Ms Amy Zambrano

General Residential Sales
Jack Zou

Alex Zygouras

General Residential SalesEnglishGreek
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