North Texas REALTORS® in Action Foundation
Thursday, September 26, 2024 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (CDT)
North Texas REALTORS in Action Foundation Mission Statement: To provide outreach programs in our surrounding communities though charitable donations, volunteer work and education.
North Texas REALTORS in Action Foundation Purpose: The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are to provide the resources needed to implement outreach programs in our surrounding communities through charitable donations, volunteer work, education, and charitable housing initiatives. The corporation is specifically authorized to support other non-profit charities, advocate for the voice for real estate, community involvement, rehabilitate, repair and beautify real property, including privately owned real property, provide disaster and relocation assistance programs for natural disasters and displaced persons, and other programs consistent with such purpose. The corporation is further authorized to raise funds in any manner consistent with the law to fund such endeavors, including establishing procedures and policies to accept gifts of money, personal property and real property.
The North Texas REALTORS in Action Foundation (NTRIAF) will be an affiliate partner to CCAR that will provide our members an avenue to give back to the community in a visible and unified manner. REALTORS® are involved with many charities as individuals, however, that recognition goes to the office or individual, not the profession. CCAR feels efforts promoted through the NTRIAF, will get our REALTOR members recognition from city governments and civic organizations. The NTRIAF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation that provides a way for both members and advocates of the Collin County Association of REALTORS to support the NTRIAF charitable and education programs. Donations are tax deductible and may be individual contributions, honorary or memorial contributions, small business or corporate gifts and grants, and planned or endowed gifts. Yes, for our members this means REALTORS® can write contributions off as a charity donation.

6821 Coit Rd
Plano, TX 75024 United States
Meeting will be held in the Conference Room
Committee Meeting