Join us for our largest educational event of the year, Blast Off 2025. Thank you to all of our awesome advertisers that make this incredible event possible! Be sure to visit their booths at the event and reach out if they can assist you or your clients!
Economic Forecast
Presenter: Dr. Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief Economist for the National Association of REALTORS®
Diversity Panel
Moderator - Shelyna Tinglin, CCAR Broker/REALTOR® and 2025 Blast Off Chair
Panelist - Cassandra Davis Beach, CCAR Broker/REALTOR® and CCAR Faculty
Panelist - Jill Morrison, CEO & Founder of Bee Memorable Marketing
Panelist - John Young, DC REALTOR® and Public Speaker
Your New Philosophy for Working with Buyers & Sellers
Presenter: Ricky Carruth, Top Producing REALTOR®, Coach, Author, and YouTuber
New Scripts for New Rules
Presenter: Ricky Carruth, Top Producing REALTOR®, Coach, Author, and YouTuber
Real Estate Technology and AI
Presenter: David Maez, CCAR Broker/REALTOR® and CCAR Faculty
Lawsuit Update
Presenter: David Jones, Deputy General Counsel for Texas REALTORS®
Thank You to our AMAZING Rocket Advertisers!
Thank You to our AWESOME Blast Off Advertisers!
Agent Advantage Coaching and Training
Agent Advantage CCAR Faculty Members
ATS - Association Technology Services
Champions School of Real Estate
Porch Light Branch of Fairway Independent Mortgage